
Remembering an unsung Somali humanitarian worker

Ayub, also transliterated Ayuub, is an orphanage centre on the edge of the port city of Merka, in southern Somalia. in this center, hundreds of hapless orphans, male and female who have been wallowing in the streets or lived with out caretaker in squalid IDP camps are fed, schooled and given shelter. The biological parents of these children perished during the heinous civil war, either by bullet or for hunger. Ayub orphanage center was set up by an unsung heroine and humanitarian worker Mana Suldan Abdirahman Ali Ise widely known "Mana Xaajow", a fame personality in lower Shebelle region, with the help of an international organization called water for life (WFL) headquartered in TRENTINO ALTO ADIGE province of Italy- a former colony of southern Somalia.

Mana has been toiling hard for many years to educate and feed these children to build their future. As, an interest to the children and their future is sine qua non of teaching & helping children Mana had the caliber of a humanitarian worker, she was always motivated by her inner feeling and belief that children are the cornerstone of the every society´s development, her humble and affable character earned her the love of her coworkers, partners and Somali society at large, her serene face inspired hundreds of children in Ayub orphanage center who called her MAMA MANA and those scattered in every corner of lower Shebelle region. During her career as relief worker which dates back during 1980s but intensified during the civil war in Somalia, she faced intimidations, death threats and several work related impediments but she never give up. The successive administrators of lower Shebelle region had tried to politicize her humanitarian work to extort her money to finance their self-aggrandizement activities in the region but she had adroitly managed to continue her work for the benefit of these needy and abandoned children. Her determination to work and advocate for the women and children never waned.

Mana suldan Abdirahman, the director WFL Somalia was not only working for the betterment of the life of the children but involved in several capacity building projects in lower Shabelle region like digging water canals, providing capital for small scale farmers.
WFL under the supervision of mana suldan Abdirahman managed to build and run several schools in lower Shebelle like; Shalambood, C/Minye, Mushaani, Waagadi, Jannaale, Ugunji, Buulo mareer, Golweyn and Gaywarrow-all are villages in the region.

Mana Suldan Abdirahman passed away on 14kii December 2007 for heart attack.
One of staff of the center told me that they could not dare to inform Ayub children the disheartening death of their Mama- Mana suldan Abdirahman for many days. After her death her sister Fatima Suldan Abdirahman succeeded her to continue the charity work initiated by her sister but unfortunately Fatima was abducted on 30/06/2008, while she and 4 of her colleagues were travelling on the road between Merka and Mogadishu on their way to Italy.

The abduction of Fatima Suldan Abdirahiman;

An eyewitness travelling with Fatima at the day of the abduction said;
"we, a delegation of WFL from Merka were heading to Mogadishu Airport to attend a conference to be held in Italy, our trip started from Merka 110 km south of Mogadishu, after arduous journey with twists and turns because of the roughness of the unpaved road we reached N0.50 village just 50 km south of Mogadishu, when we reached N0 50 village I and my driver returned back to Merka to collect some documents we left behind and commutted again to Mogadishu, we have been in regular contact with Fatima via our mobile phones but, while they were a stone throw to Mogadishu and I was talking to one of her entourage suddenly the line dead and on subsequent attempts to reach them did not work. Later we learned that Fatima and her colleagues Mohamud Abdi Osan, Ali Maow, Mohamed Haji and their driver Mohamed Ise Bil were abducted. Hitherto no one claimed the responsibility of her abduction; all on going efforts to find any clue that could help reach and negotiate with her abductors failed, no one knows if they are still a live or killed".


WFL is a charity organization dedicated to help the needy people of Somalia especially those live in lower Shebelle, it never involved in politics and sided with any faction or a group of the warring parts of Somalia, it was people oriented in fulfilling its tasks by taking into account the priorities of its target groups as well as the culture and norms of its beneficiaries, so, Ayub orphanage children and WFL family in Merka, call upon those who hold Fatima Abdurahman and her colleagues captive to release her, so that she could continue her work which is the raison d'être of hundreds of young children who need her support.

They also, for the benefit of these young children call on Somali traditional elders, human right activists and all peace loving people in Somalia and around the world especially in Italy -who might have an influence in Somalia- to stand and work hard for the release of Fatima Suldan Abdirahman and her colleagues.

Photo: late Fatima Suldan Abdirahman
more information about Ayub orphanage Centre and Mama Mana could found here;



Somali war criminals to ICC, the timing is ill-advised

UN secretary general’s special envoy to Somalia Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah, recently proposed the formation of an international commission mandated to probe killings and atrocities committed by the warring parts of Somalia during the 18 years of inter clan warfare. Ahmedou Ould Abdallah also called on the Security Council to adopt a resolution authorizing the international criminal court in Hague to indict and prosecute the perpetrators of war crimes in Somalia.

Apropos the call of Ambassador Ould Abdallah, I do believe in terms of the timing it is counterproductive that such a high ranking UN diplomat who sponsored the peace talks between the transitional federal government and the alliance for the re-libration of Somalia-the first victory Mr. Ould-Abdallah has chalked up during his career as a UN especial representative for Somalia -to make such a call in this transitional period where the major players of Somali’s fratricidal war are involved in the peace process and elected Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed as a president in a bid to end Somali quagmire. To prosecute and sentence those who were behind the ruthless and vicious killing that took place in Somalia is quintessential justice that every Somali is yearning for and many Somalis are well prepared to take part the fray and testify against those who ordered the killing of their families or fellow citizens but the lingering question is; is it the right time to embark on bringing Somali war criminals before justice?.

The totalitarian rule of the former president of Somalia Mohamed Siyad Bare and his barbaric actions that favored his kinsmen on the price of other Somali tribes triggered the popular uprising spearheaded by some Somali clans to get rid of his rule but misfortunately the odious crimes committed during his presidency and the legacy of that era pitted against two of the major Somali clans Hawiye and Darod. When the clan internecine erupted in Somalia January 1991, the civilians have taken the brunt of the heavy missiles exchanged by the warring clans or direct cold blood killings carried out by the marauding militias, it all started spontaneously when ordinary folks took the arms from the military barracks and turned against each other although some prominent community leaders both traditional and political were in cahoots with the notorious clan militias who mercilessly killed their Somali brothers and sisters.

Malignant Clan warlords and their protégés might have masterminded or ordered acts that could be classified as war crimes like; Willful killing, torture or inhumane treatment and Unlawful wanton destruction or appropriation of property and their ilk but some times there is no correlation between the leadership and atrocities while other times the leader did actually ordered mass killing, rape and instigated clan animosity.

Its not the right time to prosecute those who were responsible for war crimes in Somalia because it might hinder the peace process currently underway since Somalia is tribal community and the clan whose leader or tribesman is indicted might give him a save haven and its implication might be devastating like; acts of retaliation against whom they believe is behind his indictment or might supposedly extradite him to the international criminal courts.

On 17th October 2005, Swedish police in the town of Lund, southern Sweden, arrested Abdi Hassan Awale Qeybdid the commissioner of Somali police force during Abdullahi Yusuf’s tenure, Swedish police took Abdi Qeybdid from his hotel and sent him to the prison on the charge of war crime after another Somali living in Sweden testified that Mr. Awale has participated the execution of two men in Somalia.

Abdi Qabdid who is also the de facto commissioner of Somali Police, was among a visiting Somali delegation to participate a conference on the peace of Horn of Africa. The news of his arrest reverberated across Somalia and Sweden -where a large community of Somalia lives-, hundreds of Somalis in Mogadishu took to the streets in support of Abdi Qebdid and demanded his immediate release. They were steadfastly demanding the release of a warlord whose henchmen had fired in late 1990s mortar shells to Bakara Market -one of the biggest Market in Mogadishu, specially the jewelry Market where dozens of jewelers were massacred, the same Mogadishu residents demonstrated in favor of Abdi Qadid for simple reason that he is their kinsman.

This shows how clan loyalty might challenge any future arrest warrant for Somalis who were responsible for the killing of other Somalis and if current initiative to set up the proposed commission goes a head through UN, it will spur them to entrench themselves in clans and reject the establishment of a functioning government in Somalia particularly in the south.

Oul-Abdallah tried to juxtapose Somalia case that of the other countries like Congo where the murders were sent to the international criminal courts in Hague but the war in Congo is different from that of Somalia in terms of sociopolitical situations of the two countries, the only similarity is the massive civilian casualties of the two wars.

To bring justice those who ordered or took part the killing of innocent people will come in a later stage, when current pacification process is successful and Somalis agree on a modus vivendi and Sheikh Shrif’s government stands on its feet, when this condition is met, Somalis have more options to consider;

To establish truth and reconciliation commission like that of South Africa after apartheid era, the victims of the war and the perpetrators appear before the this committee to be heard and testify respectively, the criminals might be granted amnesty or prosecuted, this will necessitate new laws to be enacted by the parliament.

So set up in side the country a special tribunal, similar to Nuremberg Trials after World War I &II, those charged with war crimes and instigation of clan hatred during the civil war are prosecuted.

International criminal court in Hague to deal with the case of Somali war crimes and all those charged should be sent to ICC for trail..


Sheikh Sharif, a new hope for Somalia

Many Somalis both in Diaspora and inside the country have vehemently welcomed the election of Sheikh Sharif sheikh Ahmed as the new president of Somalia and hope he will unite the feuding parts of Somalia in an all-inclusive government capable of ending the protracted civil war in Somalia but I see it as an increasingly forlorn hope because of the colossal obstacles he should face. He would lead the third Somali government to be incepted outside the country for the last decade in which its predecessors failed to function and restore peace and stability.

The same factors triggered the demise of Abdullah Yusuf´s government still prevail, as Sheikh Sharif prepares to return home after his election, he will be catapulted into familiar problems like; Ethiopian intervention to Somalia, Islamic extremists vowing to confront his government and Piracy. Al-Shabab Al-Mujahidin a designated terrorist organization on American list -albeit it was one of the loosely related entities embodied by Islamic courts union led by Sheikh Sharif- is apposing his presidency, Al-Shabab seized large swathes in southern Somalia for the last few months and imposed their style of Islamic rule on Baidabo town, the seat of the Transitional Federal Government after Ethiopian troops departed Somalia. So, the upcoming government of Sheikh Sharif and the expanded parliament are left with out seat.

Sheikh Sharif hails from "Majmca Culumada Somaliyed", Somali clergy assembly, a franchise of Muslim brotherhood movement set up by late Hassan Al-Bana in Egypt, Majamca culimada is one faction of the fractured Muslim brotherhood in Somalia, according to the canon and credo of Muslim brotherhood in Somalia similar to its parent movement is a peaceful not violent organization seeking to govern Somalia under Sharia law through community service and capacity building. After the collapse of the central government of Somalia, Somali Islamic movements spearheaded by Muslim brotherhood have been active in the social activities like building schools and providing food and accommodation for orphans with the support of oil rich Gulf countries, supports of Muslim brotherhood did not take arms to jockey for power. Jihadist Islamists contend that Muslim brotherhood like Majmaca culimada Somaliyeed and Islah (another faction of Muslim brotherhood) are not true practicing Islamic movements while others label them quasi-secular movements.

Sheikh Sharif and his fellow moderate Islamists, although they allied with hardliners like Al-shabab and other jihadist movements but their role has been confined to non military tasks. after Ethiopian troops routed out Islamic courts union 2006, sheikh Sharif´s group seemed to have changed their mind and renounced violence if any, they opted to sit with the transitional Federal government, Sheikh Sharif´s efforts to secure Ethiopian withdrawal from Somalia peacefully has been fruitful and he was rewarded by the expanded members of Somali parliament to elect him president. Sheikh Sharif is now facing myriad problems, Al-Shabab fighters are gaining more ground and declared war against Sheikh Sharif´s forthcoming government. Al-shabab´s militias are well armed and ready to die or blow them selves up-though their real military power is exaggerated, during Ethiopian presence in Somalia they waged rhetoric and nationalistic Islamic propaganda as a recruitment outcry, even young Somalis from America were reportedly joining Al-shabab.

Besides Al-shabab, other radical Islamists boycotted Sheikh Sharif´s government. Four armed Somali Islamist factions announced they knitted together their militias and formed a new unified faction dubbed "Islamic movement" led by Dr. Omar Iman, in a conference held in the remote area near the border between Kenya and Somalia. These armed groups Raskamboni camp, Caanoole, Al-Jabha Al-Islamiya and the alliance for re-libration of Somalia Asmara wing announced the unification of their leadership and militia and showed a firm determination to continue what they call jihad against Somali government and AMISOM peacekeepers but the central gravity is that endless jihad and counter jihad would only exacerbate the suffering of Somali people. Many observers predict that these factions will not get the support of Somalis after Ethiopia troops vacated Somalia, there are signs that residents of Mogadishu and its vicinity who fervently supported Islamist insurgents during Ethiopian occupation are resisting calls made by Jihadists to divert their war to AMISOM peacekeepers.

Former foes of Sheikh Sharif, Ethiopia and US also welcomed his election by calling him a moderate Islamist who could re-unite Somalia because of his moderate approach as well as his good relations with the Islamists but many analysts believe America and its regional ally Ethiopia are under delusion that moderate Islamists could be a bulwark for them as long as the threat of Al-Qaida linked organizations in Horn of Africa is concerned since they did not change their ill-advised policy towards Somalia.

Ethiopian troops hitherto infiltrate parts of Somalia, like Hiiran region adjacent to Ethiopian border where Ethiopian troops seized Kala-Beyr junction, this comes as their government overtly claimed it pulled all its troops from Somalia, Ethiopia is undermining sheikh Sharif´s presidency since sheikh Sharif´s marketing strategy that earned him wide public support has been the participation of Djibouti peace process that resulted the withdrawal of Ethiopian troops from Somalia and if Ethiopian troops still kill innocent populace inside Somalia it will discredit sheikh Sharif and boast his detractors´ position like al-Shabab. In his inauguration speech, sheikh Sharif sent a reconciliatory message to the neighboring countries especially Ethiopia when he said "we want the folks of horn of Africa to live in peace and harmony", in contrast to Somali leaders since the independence who publicly claim sovereignty over Somali inhabited regions of Ethiopia but his call got a lukewarm response from Ethiopia. American allergy to any collaboration with Islamist even those of moderates might hamstring sheikh Sharif´s efforts to establish a functioning government in Somalia and subsequently embolden hardliners like Al-Shabab to undermine his government that might usher the dominance of Al-Shabab the political arena of Somalia and install Taliban style government in Somalia. I call upon the new American administration to support Sheikh Sharif financially and politically and pressure Melas zenawi to stop Ethiopian cross border incursions into Somalia.

Al-shabab and Media houses

Few months ago I stumbled upon an audio recording posted on the site of Horn Afrik Media Company, it has been the last time I heard the voice of the deceased journalist Said Tahlil Ahmed, the director of Mogadishu based Horn Afrik media outlet, the audio recording was a political radio talk hosted by Said Tahlil. I inquisitively listened to the talk participated by the widely loathed former warlord Yusuf Mohamed Indhacade and the secretary general of the alliance for re-libration of Somalia- Djibouti wing Abdurrahman Janqow, in which Yusuf Indhacade accused his former crony of derailing Union of Islamic Courts´ vision of Imposing Sharia law throughout Somalia and verbally attacked Sheikh Sharif and his comrades. I also curiously followed this talk as Abdurrahman Janaqow counterattacked and labeled his friend of ignorant and insular who is only determined to sabotage the regional and international efforts to put an end the prolonged Conundrum of Somalia.

I reminisce; since the two guests have been formerly allied and split and more listeners participated through phone , Said Tahlil had the knack to run the talk smoothly by giving each of them a fair share on air in a professional and impartial manner.

I was shocked and dismayed by the news of the vicious and vile killing of Said Tahlil, Tahlil was reportedly shot on the head by 3 masked gunmen armed with pistols while he and other journalists from several radio stations were walking near Dahabshil building inside Bakara Market, the biggest Market in Mogadishu. At the outset, before I discuss who killed the journalist and the motive behind his killing, let me shed light on the role of the media during Ethiopian occupation of Somalia.

When Islamic Courts Union has taken the control of southern Somalia in 2006, the overwhelming majority of Somali media particularly Mogadishu based FM stations were biased to Islamic Courts Union and virulently opposing to the beleaguered transitional federal government led by former president Abdullah Yusuf seated in Baidabo, these radio stations were airing lopsided news and calling the TFG weak and dysfunctional, even during swift and short lasted fighting between UIC and Ethiopian troops propping the TFG some of the stations like Shebelle have been broadcasting nationalistic rhetoric songs recorded during Somali-Ethiopian war 1977. After Abdullah Yusuf´s government relocated in Mogadishu, these radio stations were disseminating orchestrated propaganda against the government and were adorning the insurgents, the directors of these stations contended that it is a patriotic obligation to side with the insurgents and exaggerate the shortcomings of what they call at that time a puppet government concocted by foreigners to suppress its civilians.

The same directors, when the bloodshed and infighting did not cease after the withdrawal of Ethiopian troops and more sub-factions are emerging to fight against the new government they agreed upon not to be a mouthpiece for peace spoilers. The directors and editors of the main media houses in Mogadishu convened to a meeting held in Mogadishu in which they agreed on;

1. To halt live broadcasts of religious sermons held in Mogadishu Mosques, in a bid not to give the speakers a chance to polarize the society and seize this opportunity for their political agenda as happened on several occasions, such religious talks should be recorded and aired after edited.

2. Not to accept and cover the press conferences hold by the warring factions of Somalia via telephone, since the security concerns caused the emergence of such sort of press conferences no longer exist. We call upon Islamist insurgents and other political organization holding a press conference to inform the local media the proposed time and venue of the press conference and media houses will dispatch reporters to cover regardless of geographical area.

3-Not to interview low profile novice politicians who have no official political title but could destabilize the country, the quoted individuals should be the well-known politicians currently operating in the political arena of Somalia

4-Not to air defamatory remarks made by propagandist self proclaimed politicians against Somali politicians and not to allow hatred comments that could instigate violence reach the public through the media and consequently cause infighting and displacement
5-eventually the media houses should encourage peace and those advocating for peace to contribute positively to the peace process.

Days after this media agreement, the press secretary of Al-shabab Al-mujahidin called the directors of the media houses of Mogadishu including said Tahlil on meeting and informed them to assemble the headquarters of Shebelle media network to be later accompanied by the above-mentioned shabab leader to the venue of the conference, but suddenly as they walk to the meeting venue, three armed gunmen appeared and killed Said Tahlil.

Such act has the fingerprints of Al-shabab, when the three gunmen were firing shots on Said Tahlil, Al-shabab official accompanying the journalists was on the scene with his armed body guards, such incident would not have occurred if Al-shabab did not give the culprit the green light. Three militias could not have killed Said Tahlil in a cold blood on the gaze of Shabab leader who invited the journalist on a meeting if they are not involved in the plot, its militias would have definitely defended since they were armed.

Although Al-shabab dismissed any involvement of the assassination of Said Tahlil, it goes with out saying that Abu Masor´s condolence message to the family of Said Tahil does not suffice, he should disclose to the concerned Somalis any evidence verifying that they are not behind this brutal killing